Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
March 6, 2018 -
The Monument Of Wasted Riches
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
In Cleveland, Ohio stands a building known as The Society of Savings. Much of the money that enabled this magnificent building to be built came from accounts of poor people who never claimed their money before they died. After waiting years for the funds to be claimed, bank directors finally turned the unclaimed money over to the building of The Society of Savings. Now, this building stands as a reminder of a profound truth. As a believer, God’s given you so many promises of life, joy, fullness, and shalom. If you leave them hidden away, never claiming them or applying them to life, you’ll become a member of The Society of Savings; living a poor life because you never claimed your riches. God has given you all the blessings, promises, and riches you need to live a life of true abundance. Don’t let them pass by unclaimed. Claim the Word, take hold of the blessing, and start applying it to your life. Start living as a child of the Most High, because God’s riches are for your life and not for a Society of Savings.
From Message #574 - It’s About Time
Scripture: Matthew 6:21
TODAY'S MISSION - Open up the Bible. Find a blessing. Claim it for your life today. Believe it. Walk in it.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn