Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
March 9, 2018 -
Asking Big
Friday, March 9, 2018
The story is told of a philosopher who came seeking financial aid from Alexander the Great. Alexander ordered his treasurer to give the man his request, which was the equivalent of ten thousand pounds. The treasurer was shocked. But Alexander replied, “Let the money be paid instantly. I’m delighted with this philosopher’s way of thinking. He’s done me a great honor. By the largeness of his request, he shows the high idea he’s conceived of my wealth and my generosity.” Messiah taught in Luke 12:33 that our heavenly Father delights to give us His kingdom, therefore ask accordingly. You’re not a child of a pauper; you’re a child of the King who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He’s rich in blessings and love for you. You’re not flattering God by asking for less than His best. If you want to bless God, believe in His abundance of love. He wants to give it to you. Alexander may have been great in wealth and power but your heavenly Father is rich in blessings, and you’re His child. That means you’re well off. But you must ask… and you must believe.
From Message #880 - The Tent Vision
Scripture: James 4:3
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, believe in His abundance of love and ask Him for His best, according to His will, even beyond what you think you should ask or deserve.
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn