Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
January 17, 2019 -
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Have you ever watched a married couple who’ve been dancing for years out on a dance floor? Every move they make is perfectly synchronized. The man leads, the woman follows, and you can hardly distinguish between the leading of the dance and the following. The man makes the slightest movement in one direction, the slightest look, the slightest touch, and the woman flows with it and it becomes a beautiful dance, like second nature. So it is with you and God. Your relationship with God is supposed to be a dance of love, as a dance between a bridegroom and his bride. Is your walk a beautiful, flowing dance of love? If not, you can be sure that He’s leading, but are you following? If not, there’s no dance. Learn to respond to God’s slightest touch, His littlest tug on your heart, the gentlest leading of His Spirit. Learn to dance with God, to surrender to His slightest will. Be so sensitive to His moving that He and you seem to move as one. Open your life to move with the Spirit and your life will become a dance of love.
From Message #249 - The Eyes of Your Heart
Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:10-13
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, be sensitive to His moving and surrender to His slightest will. Go as His Spirit leads, and learn to dance with God!