Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
January 21, 2019 -
The Shepherd Or The Butcher
An Israeli tour guide was telling his group that in the Middle East, shepherds don’t drive their sheep from behind, they lead them. To their amusement, one of the first sites they saw was a flock of sheep, but the man was in back driving them forward. The guide made it his business to inquire of the shepherd. He asked, “How is it that you are driving the sheep when shepherds lead their sheep?” The man replied, “You are quite right, sir, but I’m not the shepherd, I’m the butcher. The shepherd leads, but the butcher drives.” So the question is, which word best describes your life— led or driven? Do you find yourself being led through your day to day life, or driven? Are you listening to the voice of the Shepherd, or the voice of the butcher who drives you through fear, anxiety, doubt, and resignation? Stop fearing and start living a led life. The Lord is your Shepherd. He won’t drive you, He’ll lead you. Just follow Him and you will be led, and you’ll find that He will lead you beside still waters.
From Message #1279 - The Tender Shepherd
TODAY'S MISSION - Ask yourself today, are you being driven or led? Stop being driven by what is not God and start being led by the voice and touch of the Good Shepherd.