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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Max Lucado

  • The Lord Is My Shepherd
    by Max Lucado

    We, humans, want to do things our way. Forget the easy way. Forget the common way. Forget the best way. Forget God’s way. We want to do things our way! And according to Isaiah 53:6 that is exactly our problem. “We all have wandered away like sheep; each of us has gone his own way.”

    You wouldn’t think sheep would be obstinate. Of all God’s animals, the sheep is the least able to take care of himself. David said, “The Lord is my shepherd.” We wonder…could not David have thought of a better metaphor? Sheep are dumb. Why didn’t he choose something other than sheep? How about, “The Lord is my King and I am his ambassador?” Everyone stops when the ambassador speaks. But who notices when God’s sheep show up? Only one person notices. The shepherd. And that is precisely David’s point!

    From Traveling Light

  • Gary V.
    Gary V. "Do I not take care of the birds?" What it is, is, that people stray from God when bad things happen.... They ask, where was God then when my son took his life. I have wondered myself, too. Where was God on 911?
    February 18, 2019 - 2 like this
  • Gail Dobson
    Gail Dobson Sheep do have that follow-the-leader and flocking instinct, but are much smarter than given credit for: https://www.producer.com/2018/03/sheep-smart-handlers/ OTOH, 'god' tends to avoid all disasters such as 9/11, school shootings, tsunamis, wild-fires.....  more
    February 19, 2019 - 1 likes this
  • Gary V.
    Gary V. Does God intercede after the catastrophes to help heal the wounded?
    February 20, 2019