Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
February 28, 2019 -
Phronaymah – The Secret Of A New Mind
Thursday, February 28, 2019
We tend to think of our minds as a set thing. But the Bible says differently. One of the words for the mind in the New Testament Greek is the word ‘Phron-ay-mah.’ It’s used in the New Testament for the word ‘mind,’ but it also means – ‘inclination’ and ‘purpose.’ In other words, you’re not stuck with your mind. Rather, what you purpose and incline your mind to – your mind will become. That’s why the Bible can use a word for ‘repentance’ which literally means, ‘to change your mind.’ Spiritually you are what you think, what you dwell on, what you delight and set your heart on. If you think negative thoughts, you will become a negative person. If you think selfish thoughts, then you’ll be a selfish person. But, on the other hand, if you choose to think godly thoughts, loving thoughts, joyful thoughts, and thoughts of encouragement… you’ll become godly, loving, joyful, and encouraged. So start training your mind to dwell on the good. And do you know what? You’ll change your mind.
From Message #1136 - The Spirit Mind
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:5
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, train your mind to dwell on what Today, train your mind to dwell on what is good and change your mind.