Posted by Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM
March 12, 2019 -
When man first went to the moon, the transmission was to be broadcast to the earth. Satellite dishes were set up throughout the world. One of these was set up in a sheep field in Australia. A power failure caused all of its coordinates to be lost and the Australia station lost contact with the space mission. The people there didn’t want to tell NASA about it, so they did all sorts of calculations trying to locate Apollo 11. Finally, one of them said, ‘Forget the calculations and the astrophysics. Apollo 11 is headed to the moon, so point the dish in the direction of the moon.’ They did, and it worked. So often, when we deal with problems, we go through all sorts of complicated calculations, thoughts, and worries trying to solve it. But Messiah said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Keep it simple. Keep your eyes on God, keep your focus on Him, trust in His Love, and do His will. Everything else will fall into place. It’s as simple as pointing to the moon.
From Message #1144 - The Wisdom Of Fools
TODAY'S MISSION - Today, keep it simple. Keep your eyes on God, trust in His love, and do as He leads you.