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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • You’re In With The In-Crowd
    Monday, September 16, 2019
    In 1965, the lyrics of a hit song talked about, “I’m in with the ‘In’-Crowd.” Most high schools or junior high schools have an “In Crowd,” a group of people who are considered favored or popular. Of course, it’s the group almost everyone else wants to be in. Long past high school, many spend their entire lives trying to get others to accept them – even many believers. For a lot of believers, the reason they don’t share the Gospel with others is fear of rejection. But this way of thinking is incorrect. If you’re born again, you don’t need anyone’s acceptance anymore and you don’t need to fear anyone’s rejection. If you’re born again, you’re now in God’s “In-Crowd.” You’re the one who’s accepted. Your part is to get the lost accepted into the kingdom and not worry about who accepts or rejects you because you’re already a beloved child of God. Your life should no longer focus on getting acceptance but giving acceptance. So go out to those who are outside the kingdom and bring them in – because you already are – you’re in!
    From Message #1368 - Overcoming the Stones
    Today's Mission
    Today, don’t spend any time thinking of others accepting you – You’re accepted. But work on accepting them into the kingdom!
    Scripture: John 6:37
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn