Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • His Doulos
    Tuesday, December 10, 2019
    One of the Greek words used in the New Testament to speak of a minister of God is the word “doulos.” “doulos” means “a servant,” “one who is bound,” “one in submission,” “one in subjection.” Most believers want to minister for God and fulfill their callings. But how? The word doulos reveals one of the most important truths. If you want to be a minister of God, you have to do so as a doulos. In other words, you have to be a servant – you have to be a doulos, one who is bound, one who is in submission, one who is subject. It means you have to live in submission to His will. It means you have to choose His will over yours, put aside your wants for His desire, your plan for His purpose. It’s when what you want and what God wants are not the same thing – that you prove yourself as His doulos, His servant. If you love the Lord, then submit your life to Him. And that is the one the Lord will use mightily as His minister, the one who is truly His doulos.
    From Message #1447 - The New Covenant Secrets of Fulfilling your Ministry
    Today's Mission
    What’s in your life that you may want, but isn’t God’s will? Give it to Him today. Submit to the Lord’s will and be His doulos.
    Scripture: Psalm103:21
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn