Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Builders And Wreckers
    Thursday, December 26, 2019
    Have you ever watched the demolition of a building or house? It doesn’t take a lot – maybe just a wrecking ball or some explosives – and it’s all done. It doesn’t take much skill. It doesn’t take much care. It doesn’t take much thought or time in comparison to the building of that house or building. To build the building, it takes much care, skill, work, and time. It can take months or years to build a building – but only a few hours or less, to destroy it. What does that reveal? Every day you have the choice to build up or tear down. If you gossip, if you complain, if you discourage, if you lash out and hurt others, you’re tearing down. And as with buildings, it doesn’t take much skill, or time, or care, to tear down something that took years to build up – whether a congregation, a marriage, or a life. But it takes care, concern, work, and time to build up. So be one who builds up. For God has called you to build the kingdom and not to be part of the enemy’s wrecking crew.
    From Message #544 - The Ben
    Today's Mission
    Today, seek to build up those around you resist the enemy’s plan to tear them down.
    Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn