Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayers

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,
    I thank You for Your Holy Spirit who raised up Jesus.
    Thank You for dwelling within my heart and giving me the gift of Your presence.
    I look to You as this year comes to a close.
    I pray for a renewal of my heart and an awakening of this world to Jesus.
    With the events that took place this past year that rattled our world, I pray that You would replace fear with hope and love for all, and peace on earth as it is in Heaven.
    Please give me the guidance and strength to be a light in the darkness.
    Please allow me to be Your loyal and faithful servant in this new year.
    I ask that You Holy Spirit would wash over me and that You would fill me so that my life will be a strong witness to Your glory.
    In Jesus' name, I pray,