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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Privilege Of The Hard Test
    Wednesday, March 4, 2020
    Are you going through hard testing times? Do you feel that it’s hard hanging on, or that you don’t have the strength for it? Let me share something. When you’re given tests in the fifth grade, they’re harder than when you are in first grade. It’s fitting because you know more, so you’re accountable for more. To whom much is given, much is required. So if you are finding yourself going through a tough time, or a tough test, be encouraged. For the hardness of the test, is a manifestation of the level you are at, and the degree of the revelation. It’s a good thing. It’s because you’re at a higher level, and God believes you can handle it. Scripture says He won’t give you any temptation you can’t handle with Him. The harder the test, the greater the blessing, the greater the graduation, and the higher the place you’re going to get when you pass the test. So dig in your heels, sharpen your pencils, burn the midnight oil and embrace the challenge given you. Pass that test, because it’s a sign you are in the big leagues.
    From Message #1189 - Miracles in Sodom
    Today's Mission
    Today, accept your challenge for what it is, a challenge; it will take strength that God has already given you to accomplish that task.
    Scripture: Romans 5:3-4
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn