Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayers

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Thank You for Your Word, The Holy Bible, and for how it always points towards Your love for me and others.
    I ask that You would release my mind from all distractions and fears today so that I can focus on Jesus and those around me.
    I lift up those struggling with depression, anxiety, and other fearful emotions.
    I ask that You would fill their hearts with Your peace, strength, and courage and that You would release each person from all negative emotions.
    Please surround them with a loving community and minister to them through Your Holy Spirit...
    The Lord himself goes before you
    and will be with you;
    he will never leave you
    nor forsake you.
    Do not be afraid;
    do not be discouraged.
    Deuteronomy 31:8
    Thank You for being the God who goes before me, especially in my times of struggle and fear.
    In Jesus' name, I pray,