The White Birds Of Modern Culture
Up until the 1980s canaries were used in coal mines. If the canary became disoriented or died, it was a sign that the air was toxic and everyone was in danger. Today we’re seeing an attack on fatherhood. Fathers are depicted as bumbling fools, childish, and irrational. More and more children are being raised without fathers. Fatherhood is the white canary of modern society. Their minimizing and disappearance is a sign of a toxic culture in which we live – one that is at war with family, gender, and humanity itself. Fatherhood is only the first to vanish. Next will come motherhood, childhood, and the very nature of being human. As God’s child, be all the more true to God’s ways. Uphold the sanctity of fatherhood, motherhood, parenthood, childhood, male/female, marriage, and life itself. Do your job as end-time believers and stand up for what’s right. Shine the light of the Messiah more brightly than ever before. Because the darker the world, the brighter must be the light to that world.
From Message #977 - Your Father’s Blessing
Today, do your job and shine Messiah brighter than ever before.