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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • You Are Not What You Don't Eat
    Tuesday, June 2, 2020
    You've heard the expression, "You are what you eat." Of course, it's true. Whatever you eat, that's what you are. That's true in the physical realm and also in the spiritual. If you partake of spiritually bad food, if you receive into your heart what is impure, carnal, and ungodly, your life will become the same. But you might say, "I stay far away from those things." Good. But it's not enough. Because the inverse is also true: You are not what you don't eat. All believers are called to be as Messiah, in every part of their lives. So here's the question: Are you like Messiah? Are you like Messiah in every part of your life? If not - then the problem can be solved with a change of diet. You are what you eat - so the more you partake of Messiah, the more you'll become like Him. It can't fail - just as you can't partake of a food without becoming it. So commit yourself to partaking more of His word, His presence, His love, His beauty, and your life will become more and more Messiah-like... it's a basic law - you are what you eat.
    From Message #1177 - Food Of The Priests
    Today's Mission
    What are you partaking of spiritually in your mind and heart that you shouldn't be? Go on a spiritual diet - and replace it with something spiritually good.
    Scripture: 1 John 3:2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn