There was a young artist whose strong desire to was to travel the world. But she couldn’t. She had to stay home and support her parents. Instead of seeing the wonders of the world, she could only look out from her basement studio at three stone steps leading up to the house next door. So she painted a picture of what she saw: a stone wall, three rough stone steps, a dandelion, and three flowers which appeared to be growing out of the stone. She called her painting, ‘Making the Best of It.” It ended up being reproduced and giving inspiration to many. Maybe there are things you’ve wanted to do, places you wanted to go, dreams you wanted to fulfill, goals you wanted to achieve.. which, for one reason or another, never came about. Your faith is not about where you are in life, but Whom you’re with. That’s all that matters. So stop looking at what is not, and rejoice in what is. Make the best of it, because, with Him, the best is exactly what you have.
From Message #1488 -The Secret Of The Cup
Today, make it your aim not to dwell on anything you don't have - but dwell on what you do, all the blessings of God, give thanks, and rejoice in them.