Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Shelter
    Monday, November 16, 2020
    In the days of the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein was sending scud missiles into the land of Israel, aiming especially for its Jewish cities. During one attack, about 200 people gathered together to seek shelter inside a certain building. The missile struck their building and it came crashing down. There was a smell of burning sulfur, and a thick cloud of dust filled the room... When the explosion was over and the dust began to clear, everyone was in total astonishment to learn that not one of the 200 people were touched. God promised Israel He would keep them. And that no matter what evil came against them, they would survive. And the proof of God's word is the existence of the nation of Israel itself. If you're born again, you are a citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel. And so you too have a promise. Whatever it is against you, whatever problem, whatever threat, danger, trouble, conflict, whatever... Far greater than anything against you - is He who is for you. And as you trust in Him, you will be kept.
    From Message #1308 - The Mystery of The Berah
    Today's Mission
    Take one verse from Psalm 56 and claim it for today. Live in peace and blessing.
    Scripture: Psalm 56
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn