Seeking What you Have
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Did you ever buy something and afterwards you realize you already had it? I've done that a few times. I've actually ordered something out of a magazine, only to discover later that I already had it. I must have forgotten. Or it must have looked so good in that magazine that I just didn't realize. It's one thing to do that with an order form. It's another to do that in life. Too many believers spend their lives trying to obtain what they already have - seeking approval and love when, in God, they have more love than they could ever handle - striving after more money and wealth while missing the true riches and wealth they have in God - or seeking for joy and happiness in what the world has to offer, when in God they have the potential for more joy than their hearts could contain. Is that you? Are you seeking for love, acceptance, recognition, riches, status, comfort, happiness... from people or from this world? A secret... you already have it! Start discovering the joy of the priceless blessings you already have, and you won't be out seeking imitations.
From Message #1351 - Watered: The Well Watered Life
Instead of dwelling on what you don't have today and what you want to get, dwell on what you do have, and give thanks to God.