The Caterpillar's Doubt
What if you went up to a caterpillar and tried to tell it the truth about its life? You'd say something like: "Listen I know it looks like you're a worm, it feels like you're a worm, and you're pretty much living a worm's life, but... you're not a worm. You're a child of the butterfly. You're not bound by earth. You're a child of the heavens." Would the caterpillar be convinced? All it's ever known is a worm's life, an earthbound worm's life. You're asking it to believe what it's never seen and beyond all its experience and comprehension. It's true... not only for the caterpillar, but for you! And I'm here to help convince you that though your life might look like a worm's life, might feel like a worm's life and if you take a good look at yourself in the mirror, you might see a worm... you're not a worm. If you're born again, you're no longer a child of your circumstance; you're a child of the Most High. So stop living earthbound. Stop crawling through your walk. And start soaring... For you are a child of Most High... stop living like a worm.
From Message #608 - The Butterfly's Child
Choose to believe today that you are who God says you are - and act like it - "children of God".