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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Power of The Royal Priests
    Monday, June 21, 2021
    The Hebrew Scriptures speak of Israel as a "kingdom of priests." In the New Testament, it's written, that those who are born again, are part of the commonwealth of Israel. The Book of Peter says that you are a 'royal priesthood.' In the days of the Bible, those who were royalty were the same as those who ruled. A royal king or prince was someone who governed. The Hebrew word for prince "Sar," means one who rules. Royalty means that in this world... you're not to be following... you're to be leading. It means you don't follow the course of this world, for you are royalty. You're not to follow the gods and trends of this world, your emotions and your circumstances. You don't even follow your enemies by reacting to them. You are royalty. The Bible says it. Stop acting like a peasant. Take charge of your life and your world, by the Holy Spirit. Start leading. It's your royal right.
    From Message #534 - The Royal Priesthood
    Today's Mission
    Walk in this newness today assuming your royal priesthood. You have been called, born into the commonwealth of Israel, God's chosen people. Rejoice in this and serve Messiah with all your heart.
    Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9,10
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn