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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Moonlight on Golgotha
    Thursday, October 7, 2021
    In the Bible, the full moon marks key dates on the ancient calendar. The full moon fell in the middle of the month so it was the fullness of the moon in the fullness of the month. In the Hebrew marriage, the groom visits the house of the bride, gives her a gift, pledges his love for her and her to him. They share a cup of the covenant together under the full moon. It is called the kiddushin, the betrothal. The groom pledged his life to the bride, she received the pledge, and gave her pledge to him, under the full moon shared in the cup of the covenant. Messiah gave us a cup of the covenant at the last supper. He died, gave His life on the cross on Passover, the 14th and 15th of Nissan, which was the night of the full moon. He died and was buried under a full moon. He is the bridegroom. The Bridegroom, Yeshua, pledges His life. He has given His pledge to you. How do you respond? You pledge yourself, your love and your all.
    From Message #445 - The Gospel of The Moons
    Today's Mission
    What would the Lord have you pledge to Him today? Make your pledge.
    Scripture: Romans 12:1-2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn