Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • Jesus: A Column of Smoke
    And the LORD went before them by day
    in [a column of smoke] to lead the way,
    and by night in [a column of fire]
    to give them light.
    Exodus 13:21 Author’s Translation
    God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near [closer].
    Exodus 13:17
    Jesus was the Column of Smoke and the Column of fire that led Israel out of Egyptian bondage. He did not lead them the short way, directly from Egypt to the Promised Land. He led them the long way, through the desert where there was no water or food. He wanted them to learn to trust Him in the wilderness in spite of these obstacles. In the same way, Jesus will sometimes lead you the long way, which may seem to you the wrong way. Sometimes, He’ll lead you where there seems to be no outward food or water, and where there are obstacles. He may be leading to see if you’ll trust Him. However, there are no wrong ways when the Lord leads; just long ways, with more time to teach you the lessons to make you strong.
    Lord, Israel murmured in the wilderness; help me not complain when I don’t understand where I’m going. Israel refused to acknowledge You, but I submit to the circumstances You bring into my life.
    Jesus led Israel in both the daylight and at night; so, look to Him so that you won’t get lost. Stop when He stops and follow Him when He starts. Follow Him in good days and bad; follow Him when you’re hungry and when you’re full. Where He guides, He will provide.
    Lord, I want to stay as close as possible to the light in the Column. I want Your personal presence to guide me. Amen.
    Go Deeper: Exodus 14:1-3; 15:22-26
    Learn God’s purpose when He leads You through any difficulties.