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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Encounter & The Straight Street
    Monday, January 24, 2022
    Shaul or Paul was on Damascus Road when he had the vision from God; a very dramatic way that salvation came for Paul. But it didn't end on Damascus Road. It led Paul to Straight Street. In other words, salvation must lead to a straight walk. Every encounter, every experience with God has to lead to Straight Street, a daily straight path. True change isn't a high or an experience, but a changed life. The very experience of God leads to righteousness because experience isn't good in itself if God isn't in it. God's presence is for nothing if it doesn't change your life. Take the blessings of God in your life and turn them into a new way of life. Take the experience and feeling of love and turn it into a straight path of love. Take that experience of victory and turn it into a straight path of victory. Take that experience of the Holy Presence of God and turn it into a straight street of holiness, because the experience is only the beginning. The victory is the changed life. Damascus Road always leads to Straight Street.
    From Message #635 - A Street Called Straight
    Today's Mission
    Today, claim the victory that you have through Yeshua. Live a transformed life of holiness; for you have been forever changed by His glory.
    Scripture: Acts 9:1-20
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn