Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,
    Thank You for Your gift of Christian covenant marriage, as Jesus taught...
    "But from the beginning of the creation,
    God ‘made them male and female.’
    ‘For this reason a man shall leave
    his father and mother
    and be joined to his wife,
    and the two shall become one flesh’;
    so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
    Therefore what God has joined together,
    let not man separate.”
    Mark 10:6-9
    I pray for all of the marriages around me, that they will put You first, above all else.
    That they will be an example to everyone about the love Christ has for His Church.
    Please help husbands to love their wives.
    Please help wives to love their husbands.
    May they lift each other up by Your Word and truth that they may flourish into the Christian couples You intended them to be.
    Lord, I also pray for broken marriages, and ones struggling to hang on, that You would bring protection, healing, reconciliation and restoration to each one.
    And thank You for rescuing, loving and saving sinners and those who fail, like me.
    I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus,