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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The car Saint
    Tuesday, March 8, 2022
    There are people who keep little statues of saints in their car. But there is another kind of car saint. Picture yourself in your car and it feels like the car ahead of you is going 20 miles per hour. You can't pass. You are anxious; you are upset; you are worried about being late for work, and you start developing intense hatred for the person in front of you. You have no peace; you have no love, and you have no joy. The problem was that your goal was to get to work. That's the goal of a worker, but it is not the goal of a saint. The Bible says you are to be a saint of righteousness, of love, and of peace. The main goal is this: love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself, and then that slow car never would have hindered your goal. Realize the challenge now is to stay at peace. Seek not to get ahead but seek to be a saint. Because you do need a saint in your car, but it has to be you.
    From Message #752 - To Become a Saint
    Today's Mission
    Today set your main goals to goodness and loving God. Make it your aim to always step towards being a saint for Messiah.
    Scripture: Psalm 16:3
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn