Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Lord God,
    Without Jesus I was lost.
    With Jesus as my Lord and Savior I am a Your child and You are my loving heavenly Father, my Good Shepherd and my King.
    You have given me life eternal and I am able to live in Your abundant grace each day.
    Today I thank You for giving to me Your mercy, Your grace and Your love.
    Please use me to draw others to You. I pray that every person I meet today will experience Your loving presence, that they will come to know the abundant life they can have now and for eternity with You.
    I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer today, that they will rest in You and be encouraged in the knowledge that You are alive and with them and You will be with them for eternity, as Jesus told us...
    “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
    Hebrews 13:5
    I ask that you show me how to use my life to bless others and to introduce them to You.
    I choose to follow You every day and in every circumstance.
    I love You and I want to share Your love with all others.
    And I thank You for Jesus, The Son of the Living God.
    In the wonderful name of Jesus I pray,