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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Descending Masada
    Tuesday, April 26, 2022
    Now Masada is the mountain fortress in the middle of the wilderness in Israel. Many tourists seek to ascend Masada on foot, and buy a T-shirt that proudly says, "I climbed Masada." Last time I was there, we didn't feel like climbing Masada. So, I and a few others decided to descend Masada. It is holy to go down mountains. You see, Moses didn't just go up the mountain, he also went down. If he just climbed up the mountain it wouldn't be complete. He had to come down. See, we go up in the Lord, but we have to go down and bring what we've received from God back to the world. Even the great commission that started in Jerusalem is on the mountain. So, the disciples had to go down the mountain to the great commission. So you too; you receive from God; His love; His word; His glory; His truth, and you bring it to those who need it. It's only complete when you do it. You need to go up the mountain and receive the blessing, but you have to go down the mountain to give it away.
    From Message #873 - Down the Mountain
    Today's Mission
    Meet with the Lord today and receive the blessings of God on His mountaintop, then take it down the mountain to give it to those who need His Word and His love.
    Scripture: Acts 11:19-21
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn