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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Consider it Pure joy
    Monday, August 22, 2022
    In the book of James it says, "Consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials, knowing the testing of your faith produces endurance. The word in Greek is "peripipto," meaning when you find yourself surrounded by Him. Consider it pure joy when you are surrounded with troubles. You would think, maybe surrounded by coconut trees or palm trees or water and attendants. No, no. Consider it pure joy when you are surrounded by trials, or surrounded by evil, or surrounded by adversity, surrounded by temptation, or when you are being attacked by the enemy. Usually being surrounded by adversity and trouble is not pure joy. It doesn't say "pure joy." It says, "consider it pure joy." It doesn't seem that way but consider it. You have to choose it. If it naturally produced pure joy, you wouldn't have to consider it that way. Why? Because it is really about producing faith in you. It's the testing of your faith. It's producing something great. Even more radical, consider it pure joy. And pure joy is exactly what you will have in the end.
    From Message #996 - How to Pass the Test
    Today's Mission
    Embrace the challenges that test and stretch your faith and gain the power for the greater things God has called you to be.
    Scripture: James 1:2
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn