Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
Jesus: Rock of Spiritual Refreshment
God sent them food to eat and water to drink
they drank the water that Christ gave them.
as a mighty Rock of spiritual refreshment.
The Lord was in the Shekinah glory cloud that led Israel to Meribah (Exodus 17); and when they arrived, the oasis was dry. The Lord knew there was no water even before He led them to a dry hole. He was not punishing them or frustrating them. He wanted Israel to do more than drink physical water; He wanted them to drink spiritually from Himself. The dry hole of Meribah revealed Israel’s spiritually famished condition. Sometimes, He may lead you to a dry hole to help you see your spiritual emptiness, and then the Lord wants you to call on Him. Perhaps you’ll be willing to drink of Him when He gives you water. Will you drink from the Rock of Spiritual Refreshment today?
Lord, now I know why there are dry holes in my life. Help me look beyond my troubles to see You in my life. I’m thirsty and need water. Quench my spiritual thirst.
Just as Israel had to repent and cry out for water, so you must turn to Jesus when you’re spiritually thirsty. Just as Moses had to strike the rock in faith, so you must come to Jesus through Calvary, for it was there that He was smitten for you. Just as the Lord wanted to help Israel more than they sought Him, so He wants to give you a fresh drink of water today. When you drink from Christ, the Rock of Spiritual Refreshment, He’ll satisfy the longings of your heart.
Lord, the dry holes in my life make me thirsty for nourishment and satisfaction. Ah, Your water is good. Amen.
Jesus allows me to get thirsty so that I’ll drink of Him.