Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear Father in Heaven,
    Today, I am praying for people in this world who do not have earthly fathers.
    They may have never known their father, or their father was taken from them, or he may have left them at some point, or a myriad of other scenarios.
    We all need to know and to feel Your love as our Heavenly Father.
    Thank You that You love us with an unconditional and everlasting love.
    You are always there for us, waiting with Your open arms and Your heart of pure love, as Jesus taught us...
    Your Father knows the things you have need of
    before you ask Him.
    In this manner, therefore, pray:
    Our Father in heaven...
    Matthew 6:8-9
    I thank You for all You have done, all You have provided and all You will do for us.
    I am Your child.
    Thank You for giving me Your unconditional fatherly love.
    May I fully receive Your love, and share your vast love with others.
    May I be comforted as I rest in Your embrace.
    I love You my Father God.
    In the loving name Jesus I pray,