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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Words of This Life
    Thursday, July 20, 2023
    In Acts 5, an angel frees the disciples from jail and tells them, "Go to the temple... speak all the words of this life." He didn't say preach Christianity, the New Testament, religion or even the Gospel. What does this mean? It's simple. What is it that we've come to know? Life. Real life, that's our faith, this life. Other things masquerade as life that aren't really living. But God called you to this life. Messiah is called the Prince of Life. It's not just some doctrine or religious precept. It's not merely some faith statement. It is life itself. It's not a part of life. You can't just fit it into your schedule. It's the reason you live, the reason you work, the reason you talk, the reason you do everything. That's what it has to be. Get everything in your life, into this life. Get everything centered on Messiah. Make this the reason you do and say everything. Because this is not just some religion. This is not just even a major part of your life. This is life itself! This is life-your-life. Make it so!
    From Message #503 - Round Two
    Today's Mission
    Do everything as unto Messiah today. Make Him the focus of every aspect of your life.
    Scripture: John 10:10 | Acts 5
    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn