Welcome to the ULC Minister's Network

Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Daily Prayer

  • Lighthouse Ministries Daily Prayer
    Dear LORD GOD, strong and mighty,
    I cling to You as my protector, You are the King of glory...
    Who is this King of glory?
    The LORD strong and mighty,
    The LORD mighty in battle.
    Psalm 24:8
    Each day, there are different battles which I face, and different battles which my brothers and sisters in Christ face around the world.
    Some battles are in the mind, involving temptations, strongholds and thoughts.
    Other battles are physical or external involving health, circumstances, relationships or enemies of Christ.
    Some battles are life-threatening and others are life-altering.
    Whatever the battle, You are The Lord Mighty in Battle (Psalm 24:8).
    Please give me wisdom, peace and strength as you protect me and guide me in the daily battles of my life.
    I lift up my Christian brothers and sisters throughout the world and ask You to help each one with the battles they are facing today.
    Please meet every need and protect every life, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
    I trust You as the Almighty God who created all things, who knows all things, and who can do all things.
    You are the Lord God who loves me and who gave his life for me to save me from my sin. I am forever grateful and in love with You.
    In the mighty name of Jesus I pray,