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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time With Jesus (Yeshua)
    Jesus: The Sun of Righteousness
    But to you who fear My name
    the Sun of Righteousness shall arise
    with healing in His wings;
    And you shall go out and
    grow fat like stall-fed calves.
    Malachi 4:2

    The name “Sun of Righteousness” applies to Jesus in His second coming. Jesus is likened to the sun, which has two functions; the sun burns up things, but also the sun’s warmth gives life and healing. When Jesus comes, His judgment will be “burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly . . . shall burn . . . up” (Malachi 4:1). Jesus is like the sun; He sears and scorches in judgment. But Jesus is also likened to the therapeutic sunlight, which relieves pain and dispels sickness. It is the same Jesus, and it is the same sunlight, but each can have opposite effects. When Jesus comes, will He deal with you in judgment or in healing fellowship?

    Lord Jesus, I look to You for some heat on my pain and troubles. In this life there are accidents and sicknesses; shine some healing on me.

    Jesus, the Sun of Righteousness, will return with healing for those martyrs who have died for the faith. He’ll completely restore those whose bodies are eaten with cancer or maimed in an accident. The blind will see, the lame will walk, and all sickness will be healed. Jesus is the righteous One, meaning He will do the right thing for us, and He will do it in the right way. Jesus is the Source of righteousness because He is the Sun of Righteousness.

    Lord Jesus, one day You will make all things right. Until that day, give us a little warm therapy for the hurts of this life. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Malachi 4

    Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness who will heal our pains and diseases.