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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    God: The Father
    Behold what manner of love
    the Father has bestowed on us,
    that we should be called children of God!
    Therefore the world does not know us,
    because it did not know Him.
    1 John 3:1

    The Father in Heaven is likened to an earthly father who loves his children before they are born. Your heavenly Father loved you long before you loved Him; He loved you before you were born. Just as an earthly father fellowships with his children, so your heavenly Father offers you His fellowship. Just as earthly children have access to their fathers, so you access Him through Jesus Christ. Just as earthly fathers guide their children in life’s accomplishments, your heavenly Father wants to guide you today. And just as earthly fathers want their children to be like them, so your heavenly Father wants to conform you into His image.

    Thank You, Father, for loving me. Help me learn about You, and become conformed to Your image. Help me know Your will and walk according to it.

    Your heavenly Father sometimes pushes you to walk, just as earthly fathers want their children to walk. Sometimes your heavenly Father wants you to run quickly when you are still growing. Why does He seemingly put more on you than you can bear? So you’ll grow stronger and accomplish more. But learning is sometimes hard and discouraging. Sometimes we want to give up, but your heavenly Father encourages you—just as an earthly father does—so you'll grow stronger and accomplish much with your life. Maybe the heavenly Father is allowing difficulties in your life so you’ll do more for Him.

    Father, thank You for the difficulties that make me stronger. Thank You for your unending encouragement. Help me reach the goals you set for me. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Ephesians 2:1-6

    The Father encourages us to grow beyond our comfort level.