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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


    Monday, July 1, 2024

    Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...
    In Ezekiel 38, a prophecy is given that is clearly appointed for the end times. It is foretold that after God had regathered the Jewish people from the ends of the earth to the land of Israel, an alliance of nations will launch an invasion of the Jewish nation. One of the nations named in the prophecy is called in Hebrew, Paras. In Latin, it became Persia. What became of it?
    Persia is perhaps the only nation identified in Ezekiel's prophecy that is as easily identified today as it was in ancient times because it retained the name Persia into the 20th century. But, in the 1930s, it changed its official name to Iran. Most people don't realize that Iran was once friendly to Israel - even an ally.
    But Ezekiel's prophecy requires that something would have to happen. Iran would have to turn from an ally to an enemy of the Jewish state. That something happened in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution. The Shah was overthrown and a new radical Islamic government took over. The new radicalized Iran became not only Israel's enemy - but Israel's archenemy.
    Furthermore, it became a terrorist state and the chief sponsor of terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Iran funded, armed, and trained terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East and directed them to launch attacks on Israel. In Ezekiel 38, Iran is part of a direct attack on the Jewish nation. That had never happened - until this year.
    In April, 2024, Iran launched 300 missiles and drones into the land of Israel. For a week, the world watched to see if the situation would trigger a war between Israel and Iran, even a world war. Israel answered Iran's attack with a restrained strike on Iranian soil, thus diffusing the crisis.
    Though the world stepped back from the brink of crisis, what had happened was monumental - and prophetic. It was the first time that Iran (Persia), had directly attacked Israel and the first time that Israel had directly attacked Iran. It was the first time that any of the players prophesied in Ezekiel 38 to launch an attack on the land of Israel had actually launched an attack on the land of Israel.
    Though we are not yet at the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39, we now are much closer than we have ever been. We are truly living in prophetic times. That which the Bible foretold over two and a half thousand years ago is coming to pass. The word of God is true. Messiah is coming! Let us live in a manner worthy of those two facts. And, May God greatly bless you this month as you do!

    Your brother and co-laborer
    in His love and service,

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

    See Message: The Mystery Of Ezekiel 38 & 39

    Scripture: Ezekiel 38-39