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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/ Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    The Father: Our Spiritual Father
    Our earthly fathers correct us,
    and we still respect them.
    Isn’t it even better to be given true life
    by letting our spiritual Father correct us?
    Hebrews 12:9

    The Lord is called our Spiritual Father. All spirits in the universe are subject to Him. Also, all people have spirits, and they too are subject to the Father. Just as an earthly father loves and directs his children, so our Spiritual Father loves and directs His children on earth (Genesis 50:20; Psalm 119:71; Romans 8:28). Will you let Him teach you today? An earthly father provides protection and provision for his children, just as the heavenly Father cares for you. Your Spiritual Father wants to demonstrate His protection and care of you. Will you accept them today?

    O Spiritual Father, I come to fellowship with You this day. I recognize Your authority over my life. I want to please You, serve You, and worship You.

    Because He is our Spiritual Father, He has the right to correct us. People revere their physical fathers who corrected them; will you not revere the Lord when trials come? Relationship is the key bond between a father and his child. It is a relationship of love. Because a father loves his children, he corrects them to bring out the best in them. Sometimes a momentary correction in the long run is for the child’s good. Your heavenly Father corrects you because He loves you.

    You are my Father; I submit to Your correction. I accept Your plan in my life. Help me learn from my affliction and become godlier. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Matthew 7:25-29

    Your Spiritual Father wants a relationship with you.