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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    Jesus: That Great Shepherd of the Sheep
    Now may the God of peace
    who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
    that great Shepherd of the sheep,
    through the blood of the everlasting covenant...
    Hebrews 13:20

    There are many roles for the Great Shepherd of the Sheep. Jesus is the Shepherd who takes care of us (Psalm 23:1). All the sheep have to do to receive the Shepherd's care is to keep in good relationship with Him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep (John 10:11). Just as a shepherd sacrifices his family time and the comforts of home to be with his sheep, Jesus gave up Heaven for us. Jesus is also the Great Shepherd who said, “I lay down my life” (John 10:17).

    Lord Jesus, You are my Shepherd who has died for my sins. You are my Shepherd who leads me daily and takes care of me.

    Jesus is also called the Great Shepherd of the Sheep because He safely delivers His sheep to Heaven. The basis for the complete and final salvation of His sheep is first His blood, which forgives the sheep; and second, the resurrection of "our Lord Jesus from the dead” (Hebrews 13:20), which gives eternal life to the sheep. Because salvation is complete, the Shepherd can “make you complete in every good work to do His will” (Hebrews 13:21). That means you can complete the Father’s will. How can that happen? Because the Great Shepherd of the Sheep works “in you what is well pleasing in His (the Father's) sight” (Hebrews 13:21).

    Lord Jesus, I am complete in You. You have taken away all my sins and given me eternal life; You have worked in my life to help me please the Father. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Hebrews 13

    The Great Shepherd of the Sheep is great because He delivers me to Heaven.