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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    The Trinity: God of My Praise (Elohim Tehilati)
    Don’t stand by silently, O God of my praise,
    while wicked people slander me
    and tell lies about me.
    Psalm 109:1-2 author's translation

    David made it a habit to praise God all the time. David called the Lord the God of my Praise, a title that came from his daily experience. But David couldn’t understand how God could let people criticize him and tell lies about him, especially since he consistently praised God. Maybe that’s your question. You wonder why some people criticize you, especially when you have a good relationship with God. Even though you try to work hard and do right, some people stab you in the back. Even though you put God first in your life, some people seem to reject you.

    Lord, I try to serve You and I continually praise You, yet I have enemies. Why?

    The law of unintended consequences says your praise to God doesn’t make people like you; rather, some people reject you because they reject God. Your goodness convicts them of their sins, and in anger they turn against you. Whenever you praise God, they reject God for the same reasons you serve Him. They don’t want someone else—God—running their lives. They want to be the center of their lives; they don’t want to put God there. So don’t let their negative reactions ruin your good positive life; praise God anyhow. He is your Lord and Savior; make Him continually the God of Your Praise.

    Lord, I will praise You when those around me criticize You. I will also praise You when those around me join in worship. I will not let anyone influence my worship of You. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Psalm 109

    Make Him the God of Your Praise, no matter the circumstances.