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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    The Father: Our Father in Heaven
    Your Father knows the things you have need of
    before you ask Him.
    In this manner, therefore, pray:
    Our Father in heaven...
    Matthew 6:8-9

    Not only were you born of an earthly father, but also you have a Father in Heaven. When you were born again of the Spirit, you received your heavenly Father’s nature. Let your new divine nature control your life so you can live above the old life. Also, you received the heavenly Father’s life, and now you have eternal life. Let your earthly life reflect your heavenly Father’s gift to you. You were given a new standing in Heaven; the heavenly Father’s infinite resources are at your disposal. Since you are a child of the Father and a member of His family, you can call other believers your sisters and brothers and receive their love as you love them.

    Father, I am humbled to be Your child. I pray to You just as a child comes to an earthly father, asking for Your blessing on my life today.

    You have a Heavenly Father; take time to fellowship with Him today. Enjoy your relationship with the Father. Take time to learn what He can do for you, so you can walk in His will. Take time to worship Him, remembering that the Father seeks worship (John 4:23). When you worship and magnify your Father in Heaven, He will enrich your life and bless you abundantly.

    O Father in Heaven, thank You for giving me entrance into Your family. I want to grow in my relationship with You and become more like You. I will worship You today. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Matthew 6:6-15

    Take advantage of the things you get from your heavenly Father.