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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Peace Master
    Thursday, July 18, 2024

    One of the titles given to Messiah is 'Prince of Peace.' In Hebrew, it's 'Sar Shalom.' 'Sar' means 'prince,' but it also means 'ruler,' or 'master.' 'Shalom' means 'peace,' but it can also mean 'wholeness,' 'wellness,' 'fullness', 'prosperity,' 'goodness,' 'well-being,' and 'completion.' So Prince of Peace also means prince of wholeness, well-being, and completion. He's not only the prince of Shalom, He's the Ruler and Master over Shalom. There are many believers who don't really walk in much peace. The answer is found in the 'Sar Shalom.' If you want to know the peace of Messiah and the true Shalom of God, then you have to make Him Lord over every area of your life, especially that certain area He's not really Lord of. When you make Him the Sar; the master over that area of your life, that area of your life will start to have Shalom. If you really want peace, wholeness, wellness, prosperity, goodness, well-being, and completeness, then make Him the Sar, the Lord and Master of every area of your life. You'll begin to really know try shalom because He is the Master of Shalom.
    From Message #60 - The Prince of Shalom

    Today's Mission
    Today, make Him master over that area you have withheld from Him and let His Peace, His Shalom, fill every part of your life and heart.

    Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn