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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Second Rain
    Friday, July 19, 2024

    In Israel they have two rains. One set of rains comes in the spring and the other comes in autumn; the former and the latter rains. Hidden in what happen in Israel every year is a prophecy concerning the Jewish people and the world. Just as there are two rains in Israel each year, so there will be two showers of God's Spirit on His people. The first rains came when God poured out His Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost; the showering of life onto His people from Jerusalem, and out to all nations. This age will not be complete until there comes one more shower. Just as the first, it will come upon His people Israel; the people of two showerings. So don't give up praying for the Jewish people and for the peace of Jerusalem because their redemption and the best days are yet to come. So it is with all of God's people. No matter how dry the time may seem to you, press on - it only gets better. Your best days are yet to come. It's as sure as the latter rains.
    From Message #244 - The Malkosh: the Latter Rains

    Today's Mission
    Today, ask God to pour out the rains of His Spirit on whatever dry ground there is in your life and be refreshed!

    Scripture: Ezekiel 34:26

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn