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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Lord of The Mountains
    Monday, July 22, 2024

    Isaiah 52:7 says, "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good news". This is ultimately a prophecy about the Messiah. He gave the 'Sermon on the Mount', was transfigured, taught, slept, and was betrayed on the mountains. In fact, he spent most of his life on the mountaintops of Nazareth. He often withdrew to the mountains to pray or be alone with His Father. As it was for Him so it is for the believer. When you go up to the mountains and look out, everything looks different. All the details of day-to-day life- your problems, things you're worried about, those obstacles that seem so formidable- all disappear. Withdraw from the details, go up to the mountains to the high places with God. Get away from your day-to-day pressures. Step back. Go up to the high places with God in prayer, worship, and the peace of His presence. Look at the big picture with God. All your problems will shrink to nothing, and your fears will shrink to less than nothing when you dwell with Messiah high up in the mountains.
    From Message #206 - The Missing Years 1

    Today's Mission
    Today, go up to the high places with God in prayer, worship, and the peace of His presence. See any problem or concern in the distance - small!

    Scripture: Psalm 87:1 | Isaiah 52:7

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn