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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM

Coffee Time with Jesus

  • House of Israel/Lighthouse Ministries
    Coffee Time with Jesus (Yeshua)
    The Trinity: Song
    The LORD is my strength and song,
    and He has become my salvation;
    He is my God, and I will praise Him;
    My father's God, and I will exalt Him.
    Exodus 15:2

    You will want to sing when you see what God is doing in your life, because He is your Song of victory. Just as Israel recognized her helplessness in the face of an enemy, so you must realize you will face opposition from the world, the flesh and Satan. Just as Israel recognized that God gave her a great victory (Exodus 15:1), so you will sing praises when you overcome your enemies. Just as Israel exalted the Lord after a victory, so you must praise Him in song when your enemy is defeated and when you win a great battle (Exodus 15:2).

    Lord, sometimes I sing triumphantly because You give me a great victory. Sometimes I sing reverently when I consider Your grace. Sometimes I sing worshipfully when I consider Your awesome presence.

    If you have no song to sing, it’s because you don’t see the Lord working in your life. When you are happy, the Lord is your Song of rejoicing. When sorrows break your heart, the Lord is your Song of consolation. When you meet the Lord in prayer, He is your Song of worship and adoration. There is no better theme to sing than to sing about the Lord. There is no better purpose to sing than to sing to Him.

    Lord, my song exalts You for saving me, and my song blesses You for giving me victory. Amen.

    Go Deeper: Exodus 15:1-21

    Sing about the Lord and to the Lord.