What Zechariah Knew
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
For many believers, the forgiveness of God is a theological concept like justification, propitiation, sanctification, and atonement. We know that in Messiah we're forgiven. We expect and count on being forgiven if we confess our sins. But for many believers, getting forgiven becomes something they take for granted. But God's forgiveness isn't a doctrinal concept or a mechanical transaction. In Luke 1:68-79, Zechariah sings a song of thanksgiving with these words: "The knowledge of salvation, by the forgiveness of sins, because of the tender mercy of our God..." Forgiveness only comes through the tender mercy of God, with heart, compassion, deep kindness, and real passionate love. He didn't have to forgive us - that He does is an amazing thing. So if God gives you His forgiveness in this way, how can you receive it any other way? Come back now to His amazing grace. Ask His forgiveness and let the hardness of your heart be melted and it will be, by the tender mercy of your God.
From Message #559 - The Dayspring
Today's Mission
Today, come back to His amazing grace and be enveloped in His tender mercy.
Scripture: Proverbs 3:3 | Luke 1:68-79
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn