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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • Clear Paths and Serpents
    Friday, August 30, 2024

    I was looking through a manual on how to avoid being bitten by a snake in the wild. It said: walk on clear paths as much as possible and avoid tall grass. So the enemy is like a serpent. If you walk on a path that's not clear, you'll get bitten. If you compromise, dilute the Word, bend the rules, or if you're not clear on the Word, you'll get bitten. If you want to avoid getting bitten by the enemy of your soul, falling and succumbing to the poison of his venom, don't dilute the Word. Walk clear with the Word and stay clear of sin. If the Bible says to do it, do it. Get your life straight and clear with God and in His word with no compromise, diluting, or bending. Walk a clear and simple path. Don't make it complicated, because that's when it becomes murky and the enemy gets in. Keep it very clear and simple. Don't waver back and forth. Because when you walk on a straight and clear path, you won't get bitten. Stay clear in God and you'll stay clear of the enemy.
    From Message #952 - The Snake Bite Kit

    Today's Mission
    Is there anything unclear in your path? Any compromise? Put it away. Stay clear of sin and walk clearly today.

    Scripture: Psalm 23:3

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn