Osiris, Set, and Messiah
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Critics argue that the resurrection of Messiah is borrowed from mythologies in the ancient world of rising gods. Foremost of these was Osiris, a tall, handsome king called "the Good One". His evil brother Set prepared a banquet and brought in a chest, announcing to his guests that he would give the chest to anyone who fit inside it. Osiris, playing along, laid down inside. Set's friends rushed in, closed the lid, and threw it into the Nile. Set later found the chest and destroyed Osiris' body. Osiris' wife Isis, with the help of the Egyptian gods, then resurrected his destroyed body from the dead. This is a mythological account of gods who never were. So the question: what Egyptian today worships Osiris? But all across the world, people of every tribe, tongue, and nation worship Yeshua, Jesus, and have had their lives changed by the living power of His very real resurrection. When you compare, you realize how priceless this treasure you have is. He's real, and He's risen. So live and rise in the very real power of the empty tomb, and the very real power of Messiah's resurrection.
From Message #528 - The Rising God
Today's Mission
Believe in the power of the resurrection. And by this power, rise and overcome.
Scripture: John 11:25
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn