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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Message of Akko
    Friday, September 13, 2024

    On the coast of Israel, north of Haifa is the exotic seaport city of Akko. Tourists come from all over to see its exotic buildings and streets. But the importance of Akko is found in the book of Judges. It was given to the tribe of Asher. But the tribe of Asher never took the city. They never entered the inheritance that God had given them. Akko remained, for most of its history, a non-Jewish seaport. You see, God can give you an inheritance and you can fail to inherit it. God promises you the best and most glorious life... and He gives it to you. So if the best life isn't the life you're living, it's not because it isn't there for you. It's your inheritance. Nobody else will inherit it for you. A life of victory and joy is yours, but you have to fight for it. Paul told Timothy, "Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called". All you've ever needed, God has given you. Stop missing your inheritance. It's there, waiting to be taken. Take it!
    From Message #625 - The Lady in the Temple

    Today's Mission
    What has God promised or called for you to walk in? Today, start taking hold of it.

    Scripture: Ephesians 1:11

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn