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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • He who is in Went out
    Friday, September 27, 2024

    As teenagers, most of us were concerned about what was in and what was out - clothes, music, the crowd. Even as we get older, we tend to conform to the "in" way of doing things in our culture. In first century Judea, Jerusalem was in and everything else was out. That's why it's so significant that Messiah specifically suffered outside the gate. He's the very center of existence. He's the epitome of "in". He is in-ness incarnate, and yet, He went outside to suffer. He died outside the gate. In other words, He who was in went out so that those who were out could come in. He declares the outside in. So never try to fit in. You don't have to fit in. Start fitting out. Let go of popularity, acceptance and what the world thinks of as success and go out to the outcast, the unsaved, out to the world's out because there you'll find Messiah. As it is written, Messiah suffered outside the gate. Therefore, let us go out to Him, outside the camp bearing His reproach. For from now on, out is in... in is out.
    From Message #112 - Outside the Camp

    Today's Mission
    Today, go outside the gate of your comfort zone and minister to those outside.

    Scripture: Luke 14:23

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn