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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


  • The Risk of The Righteous
    Monday, September 30, 2024

    Some people are bold risk-takers. Others are timid and cautious. You need to be cautious in the areas of temptation, sin, and what you accept as truth. But in order to grow in the Lord, you also have to step out, leave the old, and walk in the newness of life. You can't do that without taking risks. You may have thought that the safest life is a life of no risk. But in the end, you'll risk never knowing the life of blessings, victories, meaning, purpose, and joy you were always meant to live. Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, John, Peter, and Paul all were required to take risks for God, to step out in faith. You need to do the same. So step out today and take an action of Holy Spirit boldness, of love, repentance, change, evangelism, giving, compassion, forgiveness, faith, and bold newness of life. Take a risk for God and for His Kingdom and you'll be blessed. He'll be with you all the way, because in God, a life of risk is the only sure bet, and really no risk at all.
    From Message #170 - By My Spirit

    Today's Mission
    Today, take a risk for God and His kingdom in Holy Spirit boldness.

    Scripture: Proverbs 28:1

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn