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Pastor Charles Stilwell ULCM


    Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission...
    Messiah told us that we are the light of the world. Lights are not passive. They are active agents, affecting, impacting, transforming their surroundings. We are all and each to affect, impact, and transform the world and people around us in every realm. That includes the political realm. We don't put our faith in it - rather it is a mission field we are to impact. As we approach an election that will determine the future of America, we don't have option of sitting it out, and not caring enough to cast our vote.
    The platforms and causes of the two major parties are not the same, or even similar, but in many ways diametrically opposed - and on key and central issues given great importance in the word of God. On the issue of life, one party believes that we should have the right to kill unborn children up to the time of birth. The other party believes that life is sacred and must be protected. On the issue of mutilating children by surgical gender alteration, one party believes this is a good thing to be encouraged - the other, that no child should be surgically altered. On the issue of religious freedom, one party believes that Christian organizations should be forced to support abortion and homosexuality against their conscience. The other party believes that no one should be so forced. On Israel, one party is divided, about half increasingly hostile to the Jewish nation, the other party is overwhelmingly pro-Israel. And on and on and on.
    The presidential candidate of one party, when she was a prosecutor in California, sought to prosecute and imprison a man who had exposed the abortion industry's selling of baby parts. She also sought to pass a law that forced pro-life pregnancy centers to refer those who walked through their doors, to abortion clinics. She has already stated that abortion (the killing of unborn children) is the core of her campaign.
    If your vote helped to save one baby, it was all worth it. If your vote helped save one child from gender mutilation, it was worth it. If one person was saved because religious freedom was preserved, it was worth it. On the other hand, if one baby perished, one child went under the knife, and one soul was lost because we didn't vote, woe is us!
    If you haven't registered, register. Cast your vote. And most importantly, pray for all the more fervently for revival, and choose revival by living in it. For without God and revival, America will be lost. For look to one above all others, Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah, the light of our lives, and America's only hope! And May God greatly bless you this month as you do!

    Your brother and co-laborer
    in His love and service,

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

    See Message: Lights To The World

    Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16